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Tooth Minute Tuesday

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Tooth Minute Tuesday

How to Floss Every Day (For the Rest of Your Life) - Part 1

How to Floss Every Day (For the Rest of Your Life) - Part 1

That habit of flossing is not a sticky one. In fact, it's like a well-greased pig with an innate talent for running away. In this blogpost, we begin to explore some of the problems that make flossing such a hard new year's resolution to keep. Next time, we learn how to make the habit sticky.

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Wisdom Tooth Pain and Removal: What to Expect at the Dentist (Part 1)

Wisdom Tooth Pain and Removal: What to Expect at the Dentist (Part 1)

Wisdom tooth pain can be horrible. And when you're in severe pain, it's hard to make even the simplest decisions, much less what your next step should be during this dental crisis. This blog post is what to expect during your first appointment at the dentist, so you don't have to fear the unknown.

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How Xylitol will save you Money (and a tooth-ache)

How Xylitol will save you Money (and a tooth-ache)

Welcome back everybody! Today, we're talkin' anti-cavity weaponry. One of the favorites from the arsenal is Xylitol.

Certain ingredients in food products have exceptional anti-cavity properties, and you should look out for...

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How to Get Your Kids to Brush Their Teeth

How to Get Your Kids to Brush Their Teeth

Welcome back everyone! Ever had trouble getting your kids to brush their teeth? Well, here's another excerpt from my upcoming e-book, Cavity-Proof.

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Keeping Your Kids Cavity Free

Keeping Your Kids Cavity Free

Ever wonder what actually causes cavities? It turns out there's a TONNE of things that are involved. In this blogpost, we talk about how meal frequency plays a part in cavity formation.

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How to Use an Electric Tooth Brush

How to Use an Electric Tooth Brush

How is an electric toothbrush used, and how does the technique differ from that of a manual brush? Well, the good news is that an electric brush pretty much makes everything stupidly simple. Here are 5 steps to turn an electric toothbrush into a plaque destroying weapon of glory.

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DENTIST CHECK UP - What to Expect when Going to the Dentist!

DENTIST CHECK UP - What to Expect when Going to the Dentist!

Dentist Check Up - WHAT TO EXPECT when you get your teeth Checked! Welcome back everyone! Today we’re talking about dental exams at the dentist! What should you expect? There are three steps to your check-up with a dentist. We’re going to go over each in detail, so you know exactly what you’re up against!

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SORE GUMS - The U Factor (The Final Cause)

SORE GUMS - The U Factor (The Final Cause)

Today, we’re discussing the final factor that contributes to sore gums. While the list we've been building over the last few weeks may not be exhaustive, it does9 cover the majority of situations that are associated with gum pain. This last item on this list might surprise you. In fact, it IS you.

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Reasons for sore gums when it's not gum disease

Reasons for sore gums when it's not gum disease

While sore gums can be due to periodontal disease (i.e. gum disease), that isn't always the case. Today we discover what other possible causes for sore gums exist, and discuss a few DIY solutions to tide you over until you can see your dentist. 9

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Teeth Bonding - What the HECK is it? (Procedure Video)

So in summary, teeth bonding is...

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